Updated: 22nd April 2024
The Young Artists Music Festival will be organised bi-annually alternating with a new outreach program in collaboration with local establishments. It is the Foundation’s goal to encourage more than just individual music performance opportunities via competitions, but also organises all inclusive, fun and friendly program for young students to experience making music together in group settings for various instruments. Learning music should not only be for solo performances. Group learning environment is as important because the experience will help students learn more about collaborations and help improve their music fundamental skills – to play in time, in tune (for some instruments) and also listening skills. The Foundation also hopes to convert the competition centred Festival to include more workshops and learning platform for both students and teachers, exposing them to more creative learning / teaching experience.

PlayIn’ Rondo Outreach Program
This year, MYOF will be collaborating with Rondo Production with the first outreach program PlayIn‘ Rondo for strings students age 7-12 of any level of playing skills. Students will have an opportunity to learn how to play together, sit in and take part in Youth Orchestra’s rehearsal to experience how it is like to play in an orchestra. All are welcome. For more details, click on the link below.
APPLY BEFORE 10th May 2024